Monday, May 29, 2006

Bloggers and Brownies and Fiber, Oh My

I had a great time on Saturday at the MA Sheep and Wool Festival. It's my "local" festival, and I try to go every year. My extended family knows that we no longer travel for Memorial Day Weekend because "Katy can't miss the sheep." It's just such a small, "do-able", laidback, kid-friendly festival.

With that in mind, this year my friend Jean and I brought our daughters along. Mine are five and two years old; hers are two years and seven months, respectively. And the kids thoroughly enjoyed petting bunnies and gazing at sheep and munching on goodies. They did not enjoy so much the attempts at shopping. So I bought....nothing. (Yeah, I couldn't quite believe it either. DH says I should now take the children with me to all festivals. I reminded him that I am traveling to Rhinebeck without little people even if I have to pay a sitter exorbitant amounts of money to do so.)

But! The weather was great! And the sheep were woolly! And lots of bloggers brought edible goodies and we gathered in the sun and fondled fiber together. (Heh heh heh.) I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and also meeting some new folks. The Official Paper Plate Sign-In included the authors of the following:

CaroleKnits (along with Blogless Sharon, of course)


If I missed anyone, please let me know. I was a bit distracted by the hair-raising escapades of my toddler and I did not get to have any conversations lasting longer than 17.5 seconds. Sadly, this means that I also got very few pictures of the gathering.

It was particularly nice to finally meet Kristen, who is so thoughtful that she brought a new card game for my girls in an attempt to keep them occupied. And Liz brought her very cute girls, who quickly bonded with my eldest.

I had to leave shortly after the meet-up, as the kids were melting down. But at 8:00 p.m. I abandoned left my children in the competent hands of their father and I drove north once again in order to spend an hour at mamacate's gathering. While I missed some of the earlier merriment, I still had the pleasure of meeting the authors of ObsessionDuJour, ConcateKnit, and GoldfinchesAndFiber (who might have been at the meet-up but I had missed them), along with blogless Marcy and various friends and partners and pets and such. How enjoyable to sit and spin in a room full of fiber freaks lovers.

I so can't wait until we take over the world.

One last picture taken during the meet-up:
my toddler sits still for 30 seconds to gaze at a caterpillar.