Remember a while back, when I posted pictures of the mittens I knit for my daughter? Well, a few weeks ago, after arriving home from Sesame Street Live on a very cold evening, one mitten was AWOL. I was pretty sure that we did not leave it at the huge civic center, but it was not in my friend's car where Zoe swore that she took it off. I looked in our driveway and front yard, but it was pretty snowy (and dark) and I couldn't see it anywhere. I was very bummed, especially because the tragedy could have been prevented if I had simply gotten around to attaching the darn mittens together with a string. (Zoe very sweetly said, "I'm sorry, Mama, but now you can knit another one!)
Wonder of wonders, guess what I found on the curb outside our house this morning. Right where there used to be a large snowbank.
I'll spare you the pictures of me doing the happy dance outside my house, waving around a single handknit mitten. But maybe, just maybe, it means that things are looking up around here.
And it definitely means that I'll be crocheting a long string, very soon.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Spring Detritus (Some Odds and Ends)
In other news, there is shrug knitting happening in the blogosphere. Collette has cast on with some spring green Reynolds Saucy: what a great color! Mattie is cruising along with her blue 1824 cotton; she may be the first one to finish. Pam ditched the pattern in a burst of creativity, going on to create her own version of the shrug, but she's run into some problems; go on over and give her some moral support. Beth is worried that she's behind (and she's having a bad week), so she could also use some support. I don't think that Violet has started yet, but go check out her Shoalwater Shawl. ( I think that this pattern is going on my "someday soon" list.) If any of the rest of you have updates for me, please send them along!
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3:18 PM
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