Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Breath of Spring

I am knitting (and knitting and knitting) along on several projects, but progess is inexplicably slow. So, in lieu of boring knitting pictures, I decided to post a few pictures from yesterday's trip to the Smith College Spring Bulb Show (live webcam here).
I know that some of you in other climate zones have flowers like these in your gardens right now, but in my part of the world it is brown and muddy outside. It was such a gift to open the main door to the first greenhouse and inhale the heady scent of spring!
My daughters had a great time. The conservatory has many plant collections, including a steamy "rain forest" area complete with jungle sounds ("Are there lions in there?" my two year old asked). They spotted this little frog in the midst of a swampy display.
Ahh...I am so ready for spring.
But--sigh--I wonder when our next snowstorm will be?