A while back I mentioned that my daughter's Religious Education (e.g. "Sunday School") program uses a curriculum called Spiritplay. It is Montessori inspired program where the kids listen to stories from various traditions, and then have a chance to respond to them verbally and artistically. I am one of the six teachers who rotates through the classroom, taking turns as the Storyteller; and an additional part of my commitment involves making some of the Storykits, which contain the props that the Storyteller uses when s/he sits with the children and tells the story.
So, last November, the team leader e-mailed me two stories for which I needed to create (or purchase) the props. The first story was a simple one involving birds and snowflakes, and I was able to get by with cutting some shapes out of acrylic felt and throwing them in a decorated box. The second story, however, involved an ox; and the ox needed to pull ten carts. And while I could have have just done the cheap felt thing again, I thought that three-dimensional props would be much better.
But. There aren't a lot of toy oxen around--have you noticed?
Enter this bizarre pipe cleaner armature: the beginning of a felted ox. Believe it or not, after you wrap lots of wool around it and poke it many times with a felting needle, it ends up looking like the brown animal in the next picture.I think he came out pretty well, overall.
There is also an ox calf on the right hand side of this picture, although it is difficult to see. And I forgot to put a coin in for scale, but I would guess that the ox is about four inches tall.
The people are supposed to represent a merchant and the woman who takes care of the ox. They came out sort of Amish looking, don't you think?Here is a close-up.
I ended up spending way more time on this project than was really called for, and I neglected to take a picture of the ox pulling the ten carts (which were not made of wool) before I delivered the storykit to church today. But the process was so enjoyable! And I was so happy with the results! I really did not want to give these little creatures away.
I continue to be amazed at the magic of needle felting. As someone who could never draw or paint well--and who always felt like a "non-artist" because of this--I find needle-felting to be a true joy. It is an incredibly forgiving and flexible medium. Yes, once something is truly felted you cannot un-felt it, but during the process there are so many ways that you can change the shape and direction of the work. Once I get into the "flow" of a felting project I could just continue working on it for hours.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Woolly Bully
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