Monday, January 31, 2005

The Real Reason That Knitters Have Babies

The real reason that knitters have babies is so that they can make them cute hats.

I have always loved the Hanna Andersson pilot hats, and so I was delighted when I found a pattern for one at Little Turtle Knits. (Yes, the pattern is expensive, but it's worth it; and I like to support WAHM's.)

The first hat I knit, out of Noro Kochoron, was absolutely lovely--but also far too big. It will be a winter hat for next year or the year after. (An aside--I found the Kochoron in a bargain bin for $2--score!

This version of the hat is knit out of Cascade Sierra, which is a cotton/wool blend. It should be a great weight for chilly spring days in New England.

This hat is definitely a unisex pattern, but I decided to "girly" this one up a bit by adding some crocheted flowers on the top and a lace edging in the back.

This picture shows a bit more of the side of the hat so that you can get a better idea of the general construction/shape.

And if you just need one more cute picture, click here.

Yes, the baby is still in her pajamas. I finished the grafting last night and couldn't wait to get some pics this morning. And yes, she is trying to pull the hat off her head. This has nothing to do with the hat, and everything to do with being thirteen months old and oppositional (but in a good way.)